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3D Printing

 1.         3D Printing

Many 3D processes have shown amazing growth in recent years. Charles Hull launched the first 3D printing businesses in 1980. PGA rocket engine, steel bridge in Amsterdam, artificial heart pump jewelry collections, 3D printed cornea, and other goods connected to the aviation and food industries are among the current applications of 3D printing.

Layer-by-layer production of three-dimensional (3D) structures starting with computer-aided design (CAD) drawings is the genesis of 3D printing technology. Conventional thermoplastics, ceramics, graphene-based materials, and metal are the materials that can be printed now by using 3D printing technology.

 The manufacturing line might shift and be revolutionized by 3D printing technology. Utilizing 3D printing technology will speed up manufacturing while cutting expenses. The consumer's demand will also have more of an impact on production at the same time. Customers might request that a product be created according to their specifications and have a bigger say in the final result. In the meantime, 3D printing facilities will be situated nearer to the consumer, enabling a more adaptable and quick manufacturing process as well as improved quality control. As an added bonus, when utilizing 3D printing technologies

In conclusion, 3D printing technology has become a versatile and effective tool in the advanced manufacturing sector in recent years. Many nations have used this technology widely, particularly in the industrial sector.


Refer to this article for more information

DOI: 10.1016/j.promfg.2019.06.089

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